Facebook account Hacked! What to Do Now?

March 24, 2011 at 8:33 am | Posted in Computer, computer and high technology, computer and technology, Hacking, news, Tips and Trick, Tutorial | Leave a comment


It would be a Nightmare for anyone whose Facebook account gets Hacked,He would wonder How to get back his Hacked Facebook account,In this article i will tell you some methods through which you can Regain your Hacked Facebook account,

Steps to take when your Facebook account gets Hacked:

1.Reset Facebook Password with Secondary email address:
When ever you sign up for a Facebook account,they ask for your Secondary email address,In case if you loose your Password you can reset it with your Secondary email address.

2.Secret Answer:
Yes you can also reset a Facebook password with a Secret Answer which you provided to the Facebook while Signing up For a Facebook account

3.Contacting Facebook:
Lastly if Hacker has changed your Secondary Email address and Secret Question then you have only one way left i.e. Contacting Facebook team for the issue.

Below i am also writting some ways to Protect your Facebook account from getting Hacked

Protect your Facebook account from getting Hacked:

1.Use Strong Passwords:
In order to keep your Facebook account From Getting Cracked with a Brute force,Dictionary or Rainbow tables you need to keep Strong password usually more than 10 letters or else it will be damn easy for the Hacker to Hack a Facbebook password

2.Use Phishing filter:
Phishing filter is a sheild which protects you from Fake login pages,These fake login pages are made to steal your passwords and Phishing filter will prevent you from logging into these kinds of pages

3.Use a good Antivirus and Antispyware:Yes,this is the most crucial step in all the above mentioned,It is highly recommended that you use a Good antivirus and antispyware program,I would recommend Kaspersky as an antivirus and as an spyware spyware cease and dont forget to update them regularly,Remember one trojan takes it all.

4.Use a Good antilogger:
Antilogger is a program which lets you know if a keylogger is present on your computer,Keylogger is a spyware program which helps you track of what is happening on your Computer.
Learn more about keyloggers

5.Use a Good Firewall:
If you want to prevent a Hacker to enter in your Computer and Hack your Facebook password than you must use a good firewall,I  personally Recommend Zonealaram firewall.Firewall is a Hindrance in Hacking,A hacker may bypass antivirus but its very difficult for a Hacker to bypass a Firewall

Hope Methods will help you to prevent your Facebook account from getting hacked,It is higly recommended that you must follow all the above Methods to ensure maximum security.


Hack a website using Directory Transversal attack?

March 23, 2011 at 8:30 am | Posted in Computer, computer and high technology, computer and technology, Hacking, news, Tips and Trick, Tutorial | Leave a comment


What is root directory of web server ?

It is a specific directory on server in which the web contents are placed and can be seen by website visitors. The directories other that root may contain any sensitive data which administrator do not want visitors to see. Everything accessible by visitor on a website is  placed in root directory. The visitor can not step out of root directory.

what does ../ or ..\ (dot dot slash) mean  ?

The ..\ instructs the system to go one directory up. For example, we are at this locationC:\xx\yy\zz. On typing ..\ , we would reach at C:\xx\yy.

Again on typing ..\ , we would rech at C:\xx .

Lets again go at location C:\xx\yy\zz. Now suppose we want to access a text file abc.txt placed in folder xx. We can type ..\..\abc.txt . Typing ..\ two times would take us two directories up (that is to directory xx) where abc.txt is placed.

Note : Its ..\ on windows and ../ on UNIX like operating syatem.

What is Directory Transversel attack?

Directory Traversal is an HTTP exploit which allows attackers to access restricted directories and execute commands outside of the web server’s root directory.

The goal of this attack is  to access sensitive files placed on web server by stepping out of the root directory using dot dot slash .

The following example will make clear everything

Visit this website vulnerable to directory transversal attack


This webserver is running on UNIX like operating system. There is a directory ‘etc’ on unix/linux which contains configration files of programs that run on system. Some of the files are passwd,shadow,profile,sbin  placed in ‘etc’ directory.

The file etc/passwd contain the login names of users and even passwords too.

Lets try to access this file on webserver by stepping out of the root directory. Carefully See the position of directories placed on the webserver.

We do not know the actual names and contents of directories except ‘etc’ which is default name , So I have
marked them as A,B,C,E or whatever.

We are in directory in F accessing the webpages of website.

Lets type this in URL field and press enter


This will search the directory ‘etc’ in F. But obviously, there is nothing like this in F, so it will return nothing

Now type


Now this will step up one directory (to directory E ) and look for ‘etc’ but again it will return nothing.

Now type


Now this will step up two directories (to directory D ) and look for ‘etc’ but again it will return nothing.

So by proceeding like this, we we go for this URL


It takes us 5 directories up to the main drive and then to ‘etc‘ directory and show us contents of ‘passwd‘ file.
To understand the contents of ‘passwd’ file, visit http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/understanding-etcpasswd-file-format

You can also view etc/profile ,etc/services and many others files like backup files which may contain sensitive data. Some files like etc/shadow may be not be accessible because they are accesible only by privileged users.

Note- If proc/self/environ would be accessible, you might upload a shell on server which is called as Local File Inclusion.

Counter Measures

1. Use the latest web server software
2. Effectively filter the user’s input



March 20, 2011 at 8:20 am | Posted in Computer, computer and high technology, computer and technology, Hacking, news, Tips and Trick, Tutorial | Leave a comment

In this Tutorial , We will going to learn how to Crack Cd Protection.How and where software and games companies save their product’s password .
Want to know how Hackers crack CD Protection of softwares and Games and get the passwords out.
This process is very simple and it is just a four step process. Click Here to Download free E-Book .

Step 1:

This step will help you with the most basic system of protection, called C- dilla, which is the most usual one…

Program Used:

Decompiler like Win32Dasm
Hiew(Editing files) Decompiler

Decomplier is used to decompile the exe files. The files we will Work with are in ExE format, and we need a program that will HeX them (transfer to 16 base, hexa, form) and locate the orders given in the code, then we will Find the line we need and change it to remove the protection with… – the Second program: we need a program that will *edit* the files, and fetch the right line number we got using the first program… all those action are easily Done w/ the programs:

Win32Dasm (the disassembler – decompiler program, added in The dir [root/Win32Dasm]), and Hiew (the editing program added in the dir [root/Hiew]). The programs are added to the tutorial, because I’m not so sure you can find then on a stable location on the net, in the dir [root/programs].

Step 2: The Easy Protection.

Okay! To save you from reading this entire tutorial for nothing you’re not going to use I made this chapter, because there is a good chance you won’t be needing it! Some games comes w/ protection as a files in the [/Setup] dir (or root dir) called: [00000001.TMP], [CLCD16.DLL], [CLCD32.DLL] and most important [CLOKSPL.EXE]… if you see any of them delete it and the protection should disappear (Important! delete them after making a mirror of the game on your HD, Using the info in the next chapter) … if you are still getting an error message just keep on reading.

Step 3: Finding the right file and right error.

The files we are going to work w/ will be the main ExE of the game: you will find it on the CD, in a dir called [/Setup] or [/data], but the easy way to find it is just installing the game, and the ExE that starts the game – will be the ExE we need! … Once you’ve got it make some room on your HD, because we are going to copy the whole CD to it… before you do that: some games have am option, when installing, to install the full game to the CD (but still needing it to play), use it if possible, the files you need to copy are all the game files, in some games it is the root dir of the CD, in others it is the [root/data] dir…

The worst case is when the game is inside a CAB file, and then you have to use a CAB extractor (WinZip 8 should do the job), and if it is protected a different program that can compile CAB format (I’ll try to put it on the tutorial as Well). Once you’ve done all that – press the ExE, and if the game opens close it and exit the CD, and then press again- you will get an error window! … Usually the line goes like: “Error, please enter CD to run game” or “CD error” or “Error
Reading CD-ROM”… what ever error you get – write it down and remember it, we are about to look for it in the ExE code, and change it!

Step 4: Finding the right line number.

Open the first program – Win32Dasm, by unzipping it and clicking on [/w32dsm89.exe], now we have to load the file we know is the main ExE of the game, so click on “Disassembler“in the main menu, then “Open File to disassemble…” (Important!) Make sure you got 50-100MB free on your HD) before then pick the file from the clone game dir you made in your HD (Important! make a backup of the ExE) … after you’ve success fully w8ed while the program disassembled the file, you will see *a lot * of gibberish… don’t worry! You don’t have to understand what is says (I don’t, and I’m not so sure ne1 does…

Except the programs of course) … (Important!) If you can’t read and the font shows only numbers and bizarre letters, click on “Disassembler” in main menu, then “Font…” then “select Font” then pick Arial or something in English) … now you have to find the exact line number out of the 2 million in the file that has the error message in it, do that by clicking the “String Data references” button, from the buttons menu (under the main menu) – the second one from the right (-your right)… now you get a list of all the lines in the ExE that refers to actions, and you have narrowed the lines from 2 million – to 2 thousand… to find the error message click the first letter it started w/ (for example, if the message was “Error reading CD-ROM” click E) then search ‘till you find the error line you are looking for! … Once you’ve found it… it will mark the title, pick the first line, and it should change color to green (that means the line can be edited and is important)… to be sure you have taken the right line: if

There is a line like:

“:0044XBCK EB08 ….. (Lots of spaces) …. Jmp 0044EBD8” or:
“:0044XBCK EB08 ….. (Lots of spaces) …. Call 0044EBD8” or:
“:0044XBCK EB08 ….. (Lots of spaces) …. Push 0044EBD8”

You are at the right line, it says the command is a function, effected by the user, and probably the protection we are looking for (notice the words: Jmp = Jamp, Call = Call, Push = Push)… now that we got the right line we have to find her number! That is done by looking at the bottom of the program window and in the line that should look similar to this one: “Line:*** Pg *** of *** Code Data @:0045821 @Offset 00045821h in file:***.exe“ Notice the number that comes after the word „Offet“in this line: 00045821h that is the line number! But notice the letter „h“at the end of it – you don’t need it, and don’t forget to remove it from the number, now – the only thing left to do is changing the line and removing the protection!

Step 5: Editing the line.

After writing down the line number you can minimize Win32Dasm, because for now we have finished using it. Open the second program: Hiew (added in the tutorial), this is an editor that will work badly for searching the right line, but will do if you know the line number and just wanna change it… open again the same game ExE you have processed in Win32Dasm. When you enter you see a lot of gibberish, that’s the code, and you need to change it to the decoded language… do that by pressing the F4 key and then pick the option “Decode“… heh! A lot better now… now click F5 key, to search the right line, You will see the line numbers at the left end of the screen is gray, enter the line number you got from Win32Dasm and it will jump you to the right location in the file… now, this is the difficult part, not hard to do – but hard to explain, near the line number (just at the right) you will see the command in HeX form, it should be something like BC1BB3D2D1 that is in HeX code (base 16) Which means a number (=byte) is represented by 2 letters/number, so that the Group (BC1BB3D2D1) is made of 5 bytes: BC – 1B – B3 – D2 – D1 … (10 numbers = 5 bytes, 8 numbers = 4 bytes and so on…), we are about to change every byte .
From D1 or BC to 90 this is done by pressing the key F3 (activates Editing Option) and pressing, for every byte, the number 90 (90 is the noop number, that Will disable the action)… and in our case, the command will change from BC1BB3D2D1 to 9090909090 … once it is done click the key F10 to save the Offset, and exit.

Step 6: Testing

Now that you have an ExE w/out the error line, activate it from the same clone Dir of the game you made to test it, if it’s working – congratulation! You have just cracked a CD protection! … If you are getting another error message redo.
The same steps you have done w/ the first error message (in chapters 3-5) to change it as well (Important! Do it on the same ExE you have edited, and backup this one as well) and then test it again. You might be needed to do it several number of times, until you are getting no error message and the game runs! chapter VII: Quick order list. Start without Cd then look at the error message and write it down.

– Search the msg in Win32Dasm reference and copy number w/out the H at the end!
– Open Hiew, F4 to Decode, F5 to search the line, and change the command – 90 for every 1   byte.
– F10 to save and then get out, don’t forget to test!

Good Luck Cracking.

Konsep SONY PC yang futuristik dan elegan

February 19, 2011 at 12:57 am | Posted in Article, bussiness, computer and high technology, computer and technology, news | Leave a comment

Wah sony sekarang mengeluarkan PC dengan konsep yang sangat elegan dan sangat futuristik dan juga sangat portable sekali bisa dipasang sperti jam tangan,konsepnya sangat bagus banget gan, duh……..coba punya yach, mimpi kali ye………



untuk dikenakan sebagai gelang, konsep komputer dibangun dengan layar sentuh OLED yang fleksibel. Designer Hiromi Kiriki keran Sony untuk komputer pergelangan tangan yang spektakuler dan ukurannya juga snagat bagus.

>Anxiety and Panic Cure

February 15, 2011 at 11:26 pm | Posted in Article, computer and technology, Health | Leave a comment

>Millions of people are very much aware of the fact that the iPod and the iPhone have definitely changed our lives forever. There are hundreds of apps out there that will help you accomplish almost anything that you have in your mind. Thus, there are apps out there that will help you find a public toilet, apps that will help you find a good hotel to sleep in, apps that will help you fall asleep and so on. Yet if you find it too hard to try it, then you could go with Gold Coast Psychologists, as professional help is always better than anything.

But now, there is also something that you will be able to use if you are looking for an anxiety and panic cure. Charles Linden has also moved his program on the iPhone and it is available now if you want to get it. This app will be a miracle for all of those people who are experiencing panic attacks and are dealing with anxiety on a daily basis. This is just great news for everyone who is suffering from such a condition, as they will never have to pay for some expensive therapies out there and they will be able to have themselves cured regardless of the place they are.

In the last twelve years, the program that Charles Linden has managed to craft up has been recognized as some of the most efficient such programs on the internet. There are hundreds of doctors and people that have high regards when it comes to it, because it has already helped thousands of people get rid of their annoying and stressful condition. Now, being available on the iPhone and iPod, you will be able to take the app with you wherever you will go and thus benefit from help similar to that you would get by a Gold Coast Counselling Service.

The app was specially developed by the man himself and of course, his highly trained team of psychologists that have focused on offering it in the most simple and easy to use interface that even the average Joe will be able to depict. There are various techniques that are presented in the app, such as The Panic Attack Talk Down, the Panic Eliminator and of course, the Anxiety Stop Watch and Breathe Right.

Charles stated that he is very happy that he can help millions of people around the world with his new and revolutionary application. Presently, there is no other therapy and technique that is as complex as his app. This is something that won’t yield you temporary results. When we are talking about his app, it will always offer permanent results.

The way the app works, is that it will mimic the actual body’s anxiety recovery process. This will most of the times occur when the threat that caused the attack will retreat. There is also a celebrity that has benefited from his program, and her name is Jemma Kidd. This is something that will utterly change the way you will look at your condition and fact is that it really works. The thousands of people who have already tried it are a proof of the benefits of Gold Coast Depression Therapy.

>Apache 403 Forbidden Error Fixed

February 12, 2011 at 2:43 am | Posted in Article, computer and technology, Hacking | Leave a comment

>Have successfully configured Apache web server for my client. But why does my clients website just say “Error 403 Forbidden”? For example when client send request http://mysite.com/something/ Apache generate a 403 error. How do I troubleshoot this problem?

Error code that start with 4xx is generated because of client browser request. A 403 error code means client browser (or person who is trying to access your site) cannot access the requested URL. It can be caused by many reason:

a) A 403 status code indicates that the client cannot access the requested resource. It means the wrong username and password were sent in the request, or that the permissions on the server do not allow what was being asked.

b) No default directory index page is present. Upload Index.html or Index.htm file. Directive DirectoryIndex defines the default index page name. Open your apache configuration file, find out default index file name, and upload the same file to directory:

DirectoryIndex index.html index.cgi index.pl index.php index.xhtml

c) Make sure the CGI script requested have executable permissions set on files. Use chmod command to set permission:
$ chmod +x file.cgi

d) Make sure you have permission to use .htaccess file for Apache web server. If Apache has overrides disabled. you will bump back with a 403 error.

e) Make sure correct directory permissions are set on directory:

Options +Indexes FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

f) Make sure the underlying file system permissions allow the User/Group under which Apache is running to access the necessary files. You can determine which case applies to your situation by checking the error log. In the case where file system permission are at fault, remember that not only must the directory and files in question be readable, but also all parent directories must be at least searchable by the web server in order for the content to be accessible. For example /home/httpd/theos.in/ must be searchable, enter:
# chmod +x /home/httpd/theos.in/

Guest Post : http://vyc0d.blogspot.com

>20 Direktori Blog Populer

February 12, 2011 at 1:13 am | Posted in Article, computer and technology | 1 Comment

>Mempromosikan blog sangat penting artinya untuk mendapatkan pengunjung, pembaca dan tentu saja income. Disamping langkah dasar SEO (Search Engine Optimatization) dengan memilih judul posting menarik dan keyword friendly, struktur dan deskripsi URL (Uniform Resource Locator) dan tentu saja WordPress SEO plugin, langkah dasar membangun link untuk blog diawali dengan mendaftarkannya di direktori blog.

Sangat menyenangkan membuat blog baru dan menyimak perkembangan pertambahan linknya. BLOG = Better Lingtings On Google.

Banyak cara yang bisa dikerjakan untuk membangun link, salah satu yang paling mudah dan cost-effective adalah mendaftarkannya ke direktori blog.

Yuk kita lihat-lihat 20 direktori yang cukup populer:

Direktori ini sangat selektif dan hanya mendaftarkan blog yang bagus dan sudah tayang cukup lama. Link dari direktori ini sangat menjanjikan.

20 blog direktori populerpunya kategori dan sub kategori terbaik di Internet. Layoutnya jelas dan mudah ditelusuri. Pembaca bisa menemukan apa yang dicari dengan sangat mudah.

benar-benar bagus dan berisi inbound link serta blog rating system. Harus bayar agar blog kita bisa diriview, tetapi biaya ini sebanding dengan hasil yang didapat.

adalah direktori gratis dimana kita bisa mendaftarkan RSS feed. Kita juga bisa lakukan set-up mikro-directori dan membuat daftar blog favorit. OnToplist adalah juga jejaring sosial yang memungkinkan antar blogger saling berhubungan dan mempromosikan blog untuk menarik lebih banyak pengunjung.

merupakan kombinasi menarik direktori blog dan Google News. News feed-nya berasal dari blog yang terdaftar di dalamnya. Blogged.com sangat impresif dan gratis.

6. Blog Search engine adalah salah satu direktori bog paling selektif berbasis WordPress. Blog Search Engine dioperasikan perusahaan induk Performancing dan search resultnya menggunakan IceRocket.

7. Blog Catalog memiliki kategori sangat luas dan menyediakan fitur pencarian berdasar negara, bahasa dan user. Disainnya biasa tetapi member accesnya sangat mudah dengan registrasi blog tidak berbelit-belit.

8. Globe of Blogs memiliki terlalu banyak fitur. Hanya blog non komersial yang bisa didaftarkan di direktori ini. Ada fitur pencarian berdasar judul, penulis atau subjek.

9. The ultimate directory of British blogs khusus untuk blog dengan British English.

10. Blog Universe merupakan tempat sempurna untuk mempromosikan blog bertema podcast atau video. Layoutnya mudah ditelusuri. Walau kontennya terbatas tetapi direktori ini merupakan salah satu direktori yang patut dipertimbangkan untuk mendaftarkan blog.

11. Bigger Blogs adalah direktori yang relatif baru. Blog bercampur dengan direktori bisnis.

12. Bloggernity, disainnya bernas dan mudah ditelusuri. Blog-blog baru ada di bagian bawah. Hanya ada sedikit iklan di homepagenya, jadi pengunjung bisa lebih nyaman.

13. Bloggapedia mempunyai homepage menarik. Pembaca mudah terhubung dengan top blogs dan posting terbaru. Kategorinya inovatif dan desain warnanya bagus.

14. Spillbean adalah direktori blog dengan kategori health, society, internet dan personal. Direktori ini menarik, untuk tapi belum banyak blog yang terdaftar di dalamnya.

15. Blogging Fusion adalah direktori blog dengan lebih dari enam puluh kategori mencakup photo blog dan family blog. Direktori ini memiliki daftar sangat banyak dan memiliki statistik pengunjung.

16. Blogflux bukan saja tool bagi blogger tetapi juga direktori dengan daftar terurut abjad. Daftar blognya tersusun rapi dan jelas.

17. Blog-blog yang ada di top listings Bloglisting sangat menarik, warna warni dan menarik perhatian pengunjung. Bloglisting menampilkan page ranking yang berguna untuk menentukan dengan siapa kita mau bertukar link.

18. Blogio boleh jadi merupakan direktori blog kecil dengan daftar sedikit, tetapi cukup bagus untuk dipertimbangkan. Walaupun kecil tapi di dalamnya ada quality blog dan tersedia fitur search yang bagus.

19. Blog Explosion mengklaim sebagai promotor blog terbesar di Internet. Di dalamnya ada direktori yang sangat besar tetapi kelihatannya tidak memiliki direct link. Tetapi daftar dalam direktori ini masih terlihat di SERP’s.

20. Super Blog Directory menawarkan tools yang tidak ada di tempat lain. Kita bisa melihat link dan blog terbaru yang didaftarkan.

>What We Know About Google PageRank

February 12, 2011 at 12:44 am | Posted in Article, bussiness, computer and technology | Leave a comment

>Everybody is using it, but (almost) nobody really knows how it works. Google PageRank is probably one of the most important algorithms ever developed for the Web. With billions of existing pages and millions of pages generated every day, the search issue in the Web is more complex than you probably think it is. PageRank, only one of hundreds of factors used by Google to determine best search results, helps to keep our search clean and efficient. But how is it actually done? How does Google PageRank work, which factors do have an impact on it and which don’t? And what do we really know about PageRank?

In this article we put the facts straight.

Over the last weeks we’ve done an extensive research and selected dozens of facts and suggestions about PageRank, which seem to be true in practice. Besides, we’ve collected academic papers related to the issue – such as scientific proposals for better search results (such as Topic-Sensitive PageRank); you’ll also find references to mathematical background of PageRank as well as 16 useful PageRank tools you can use to analyze und track the ranking of your web-projects.

Update: we’d like to apologize for some misleading facts we’ve initially included in this article. We’ve re-checked the sources and inaccurate or incomplete data. The .pdf-file won’t contain any mistakes. Thanks to all the readers who’ve pointed us to the mistakes (particularly Dan Grossman and Reuben Yau).

Update: We are going to publish the .pdf-version of this post soon, so subscribe to our RSS-feed to keep track on our next posts.
You don’t have to read the whole article. Most important facts are selected in the beginning of the post as a brief summary.
You might be interested in reading our article Google AdSense: Facts, FAQs and Tools, which should provide you with the most important facts, tools and resources about Google AdSense.
Update (28.07.2007): Spanish version of this article is available (thanks, Juan Manuel Lemus).

Google-pagerank in Google PageRank: What Do We Know About It?
Summary: How Does PageRank Work?

PageRank is only one of numerous methods Google uses to determine a page’s relevance or importance.
Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. Google looks not only at the sheer volume of votes; among 100 other aspects it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. However, these aspects don’t count, when PageRank is calculated.
PageRank is based on incoming links, but not just on the number of them – relevance and quality are important (in terms of the PageRank of sites, which link to a given site).
PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + … + PR(tn)/C(tn)). That’s the equation that calculates a page’s PageRank.
Not all links weight the same when it comes to PR.
If you had a web page with a PR8 and had 1 link on it, the site linked to would get a fair amount of PR value. But, if you had 100 links on that page, each individual link would only get a fraction of the value.
Bad incoming links don’t have impact on Page Rank.
Ranking popularity considers site age, backlink relevancy and backlink duration. PageRank doesn’t.
Content is not taken into account when PageRank is calculated.
PageRank does not rank web sites as a whole, but is determined for each page individually.
Each inbound link is important to the overall total. Except banned sites, which don’t count.
PageRank values don’t range from 0 to 10. PageRank is a floating-point number.
Each Page Rank level is progressively harder to reach. PageRank is believed to be calculated on a logarithmic scale.
Google calculates pages PRs permanently, but we see the update once every few months (Google Toolbar).

Summary: Impact on Google PageRank

Frequent content updates don’t improve Page Rank automatically. Content is not part of the PR calculation.
High Page Rank doesn’t mean high search ranking.
DMOZ and Yahoo! Listings don’t improve Page Rank automatically.
.edu and .gov-sites don’t improve Page Rank automatically.
Sub-directories don’t necessarily have a lower Page Rank than root-directories.
Wikipedia links don’t improve PageRank automatically (update: but pages which extract information from Wikipedia might improve PageRank).
Links marked with nofollow-attribute don’t contribute to Google PageRank.
Efficient internal onsite linking has an impact on PageRank.
Related high ranked web-sites count stronger. But: “a page with high PageRank may actually pass you less if it has more links, because it’s spread too thin.” [RY]
Links from and to high quality related sites have an impact on Page Rank.
Multiple votes to one link from the same page cost as much as a single vote.

1.1. What is PageRank?

“PageRank is [only] one of the methods Google uses to determine a page’s relevance or importance.” [PageRank Explained Correctly]
“Google uses many factors in ranking. Of these, the PageRank algorithm might be the best known. PageRank evaluates two things: how many links there are to a web page from other pages, and the quality of the linking sites. With PageRank, five or six high-quality links from websites such as http://www.cnn.com and http://www.nytimes.com would be valued much more highly than twice as many links from less reputable or established sites.” [Google Librarian Central]
“PageRank has only ever been an approximation of the quality of a web page and has never had anything to do with the measuring of the topical relevance of a web page. Topical relevance is measured with link context and on-page factors such as keyword density, title tag, and everything else.” [PageRank: An Essay]

1.2. How Does PageRank work?

No one really knows.“No one knows for sure how PageRank is currently calculated by Google.” [Google PageRank Explained]
PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + … + PR(tn)/C(tn)). “That’s the equation that calculates a page’s PageRank. In the equation ‘t1 – tn’ are pages linking to page A, ‘C’ is the number of outbound links that a page has and ‘d’ is a damping factor, usually set to 0.85.”
We can think of it in a simpler way: a page’s PageRank = 0.15 + 0.85 * (a “share” of the PageRank of every page that links to it). “share” = the linking page’s PageRank divided by the number of outbound links on the page. A page “votes” an amount of PageRank onto each page that it links to. The amount of PageRank that it has to vote with is a little less than its own PageRank value (its own value * 0.85). This value is shared equally between all the pages that it links to.” [Google’s Page Rank]
“The core Google PageRank algorithm “distributes” it’s established PR across all of the outbound links. Put differently, if you had a web page with a PR8 and had 1 link on it, the site linked to would get a fair amount of PR value. But, if you had 100 links on that page, each individual link would only get a fraction of the value.” [The Importance of PageRank]
“From this, we could conclude that a link from a page with PR4 and 5 outbound links is worth more than a link from a page with PR8 and 100 outbound links. The PageRank of a page that links to yours is important but the number of links on that page is also important. The more links there are on a page, the less PageRank value your page will receive from it.” [Google’s Page Rank]
“PageRank [..] uses the link structure as an indicator of an individual page’s value. Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. Google looks at considerably more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; e.g. it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves “important” weigh more heavily and help to make other pages “important.” [Google: Technology]
“Not all links weight the same when it comes to PR. So an ‘important’ page linking to you gives you more PR than a ‘less important’ one. […] A factor in PR propagation is the number of out-links the ‘voting’ page have. So a PR4 page with only one out-link on it might give you more weight than a PR5 page with 100 out-links on it. A typical example here would be the famous milliondollarhomepage. This page is PR7 page with hunderds of out-links therefore its weight is would contribute very little to your page PR.” [Google PageRank Explained]
Each Page Rank level is progressively harder to reach. “PageRank is logarithmic in its calculation. In the same way that the earthquake Richter scale is exponential in calculation, so too is the mathematics behind Google PageRank. It takes one step to move from a PR0 to a PR1, it takes a few more steps to PR3, it takes even more steps to PR4, and many more steps again to PR5, and so one.” [Google Page Rank FAQ]

Google-pagerank-explained in Google PageRank: What Do We Know About It?
[via einfach-persoehnlich]

“PageRank does not rank web sites as a whole, but is determined for each page individually. Further, the PageRank of page A is recursively defined by the PageRanks of those pages which link to page A.” [The Page Rank algorithm]
“Google combines PageRank with sophisticated text-matching techniques to find pages that are both important and relevant to user’s search. Google examines all aspects of the page’s content (and the content of the pages linking to it) to determine if it’s a good match for user’s queries.” [What Is Google PageRank?]
“Google calculates pages PRs once every few months (PR update). After a PR update is done, all pages are assigned a new PR by Google and you will have this PR until a new PR update is done. New sites that were just launched will have a PR of 0 until an update is done by Google so that they are assigned an appropriate PR.” [Google PageRank Explained]
“Google PageRank is calculated all the time, but what we see in the Google Toolbar (or other online PR tools) is a snapshot in time which is updated every 3 months or so.” [Reuben Yau]
PageRank values don’t range from 0 to 10. PageRank is a floating-point number. “It’s more accurate to think of it as a floating-point number. Certainly our internal PageRank computations have many more degrees of resolution than the 0-10 values shown in the toolbar.” [Matt Cutts]
“We’re sure that their curve is similar to an exponential curve with each new “plateau” being harder to reach than the last. I have personally done some research into this, and so far the results point to an exponential base of 4. So a PR of 6 is 4 times as difficult to attain as a PR of 5. [..] The difference between a high PR of 6, and a low PR of 6, could be hundreds or thousands of links.” [Top 10 Google Myths Revealed]
“PageRank is believed to be calculated on a logarithmic scale. What this roughly means is that the difference between PR4 and PR5 is likely 5-10 times than the difference between PR3 and PR4. So, there are likely over a 100 times as many web pages with a PageRank of 2 than there are with a PageRank of 4. This means that if you get to a PageRank of 6 or so, you’re likely well into the top 0.1% of all websites out there. If most of your peer group is straggling around with a PR2 or PR3, you’re way ahead of the game.” [Importance of Google PageRank]
“The fact is that PageRank is based on incoming links, but not just on the number of them. Instead PageRank is based on the value of your incoming links. To find the value of an incoming link look at the PR of the source page, and divide it by the number of links on that page. It’s very possible to get a PR of 6 or 7 from only a handful of incoming links if your links are “weighty” enough.” [Top 10 Google Myths Revealed]
“Google tries to find pages that are both reputable and relevant. If two pages appear to have roughly the same amount of information matching a given query, we’ll usually try to pick the page that more trusted websites have chosen to link to. Still, we’ll often elevate a page with fewer links or lower PageRank if other signals suggest that the page is more relevant. For example, a web page dedicated entirely to the civil war is often more useful than an article that mentions the civil war in passing, even if the article is part of a reputable site such as Time.com.” [Google Librarian Central]
Links don’t give PR away, they are votes. “When a page votes its PageRank value to other pages, its own PageRank is not reduced by the value that it is voting. The page doing the voting doesn’t give away its PageRank and end up with nothing. It isn’t a transfer of PageRank. It is simply a vote according to the page’s PageRank value.” [Page Rank Explained]
“We know from the paper “The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine” (Paper) that the PageRank of a Web page is a number calculated using a recursive algorithm in which the page receives a share of the PageRank of each page that links to it.” [Google PageRank]
Crawlers don’t analyze web-sites permanently. “It often takes two full monthly updates for all of your incoming links to be discovered, counted, calculated and displayed as backlinks.” [Google FAQ]

1.3. Which factors do have an impact on PageRank?

Each inbound link is important to the overall total. Except banned sites. “PageRank is a form of a voting system. A link to a page is a vote for that page. Higher PageRank pages are viewed by Google as more important. Their votes are given more value by Google — much more value, in some cases. In general, the more voting links, the stronger the PageRank.” [Google PageRank FAQ]
Adding new pages can decrease Page Rank. “The effect is that, whilst the total PageRank in the site is increased, one or more of the existing pages will suffer a PageRank loss due to the new page making gains. Up to a point, the more new pages that are added, the greater is the loss to the existing pages. With large sites, this effect is unlikely to be noticed but, with smaller ones, it probably would.” [PageRank Explained]
Page Rank can decrease. “You can lose some important links that are no longer linking to your site. PR loss can also occur if some of your linking partners also experience a drop in their own PR, possibly setting off a chain reaction of lower PageRank all through the immediate linking network.” [Google PageRank FAQ]
Links from and to high quality related sites are important. “The more closely related the pages, the higher the PageRank amount transferred.” “Linking to high quality sites shows the search engines your site is very useful to your visitors. Unless your site has been around for years and is well established and trusted by Google, this factor will have an adverse effect on your site’s overall ranking. Linking only to high quality content sites will give your site an edge over your competition.” [Let Google’s Algorithm Show You The Traffic, FAQ]
Incoming Links from popular sites are important. If pages linking to you have a high PageRank then your page gains some part of their reputation.
Site can be banned if it links to banned sites. “Be extremely careful of any out-going links from your site. Don’t link to bad neighborhoods (link farms, banned sites, etc.) Google will penalize you for bad links so always check the PageRank of the sites you’re linking to from your site.” [SiteProNews]
Illegal activities will penalize your PageRank and possibly ban your site from Google. “Hidden text, deceptive redirects, cloaking, automated link exchanges, or anything else against Google’s quality guidelines” can ban your site from Google.
Myth: the higher your google PageRank, the better the results. “While pages with a higher PageRank do tend to rank better, it is perfectly normal for a site to appear higher in the results listings even though it has a lower PageRank than competing pages. [..] Google examines the context of your incoming links, and only those links that relate to the specific keyword being searched on will help you achieve a higher ranking for that keyword.” [Top 10 Google Myths Revealed]
Related high ranked web-sites count stronger (or don’t they?). “One-way inbound links from websites with topics that are related to your website’s topic will help you gain a higher Page Rank.” Other one-way inbound links from pages with high page rank but unrelated topics do help a little, but not nearly as much. [What Is Page Rank?]
Different pages from a site can have different Page Rank. “Search engines crawl and index webpages not websites, that is why your page rank may vary from page to page within your website.” [What Is Page Rank?]

1.4. Which factors don’t have an impact on PageRank?

Frequent content updates don’t improve PR automatically.” Although Google might send crawlers more frequently to analyze your site, what is more significant are links pointing to you.
“Content is not taken into account when PageRank is calculated. Content is taken into account when you actually perform a search for specific search terms.” [Google PageRank]
“High PageRank does NOT guarantee a high search ranking for any particular term. If it did, then PR10 sites like Adobe would always show up for any search you do. They don’t.” [What Is Google PageRank?
Google considers site age, backlink relevancy and backlink duration. PageRank doesn’t. If backlink isn’t relevant, it won’t weight much.
Wikipedia Links don’t improve Page Rank. “Wikipedia implemented a no-follow rule, indicating that outbound links should not be followed by search engine spiders.” [A Survival Guide to SEO & Wikipedia]
Listing in DMOZ and Yahoo! doesn’t give your site a special PR Bonus. “Google uses Open Directory Project (DMOZ.org), to power its directory. Coupling that fact with the observation that sites listed in DMOZ often get decent and inexplicable PageRank boosts, has lead many to conclude that Google gives a special bonus to sites listed in DMOZ. This is simply not true. The only bonus gained from being in DMOZ is the same bonus a site would achieve from being linked to by any other site.” However, DMOZ data is used by hundreds of sites.” [Top 10 Google Myths Revealed]
Sub-directories don’t necessarily have a lower Page Rank than root-directories. Depending on the popularity of a web-site your subdirectories can have a higher PageRank than the root pages.
Meta-Tags don’t improve PageRank. “Google can sometimes use the meta description tag to create an abstract for your site, so it may be useful to you if your home page is primarily composed of graphics. However, do not expect it to increase your rank.” [10 Google Myths Revealed]
.edu and .gov-sites do not provide higher PageRank (or do they?).“We don’t really have much in the way to say “Oh this is a link from the ODP, or .gov, or .edu, so give that some sort of special boost.” Its just those sites tend to have higher PageRank because-because more people link to them and reputable people link to them.” [A Google Myth Busted]

No-follow-treatment in Google PageRank: What Do We Know About It?

Links marked with nofollow-attribute don’t contribute to Google PageRank. “Google implemented a new value, “nofollow”, for the rel attribute of HTML link and anchor elements, so that website builders and bloggers can make links that Google will not consider for the purposes of PageRank — they are links that no longer constitute a “vote” in the PageRank system.” [Wikipedia: PageRank]
Multiple votes to one link from the same page cost as much as a single vote. “It is reasonable to assume that a page can cast only one vote for another page, and that additional votes for the same page are not counted.” [PageRank FAQ]
Links from one page to itself don’t improve Page Rank. “It is reasonable to assume that a page can’t vote for itself, and that such links are not counted.” [PageRank Explained]
Bad incoming links don’t have impact on Page Rank. “Where the links come from doesn’t matter. Sites are not penalized because of where the links come from.” [Google PageRank]
Dangling links don’t have impact on Page Rank. “Dangling links are simply links that point to any page with no outgoing links. They affect the model because it is not clear where their weight should be distributed, and there are a large number of them. Because dangling links do not affect the ranking of any other page directly, we simply remove them from the system until all the PageRanks are calculated. After all the PageRanks are calculated they can be added back in without affecting things significantly.” [PageRank Paper]

1.5. Ranking Factors (related to PageRank)

Efficient internal onsite linking is important. “Internal linking is important to your overall ranking. Make sure your linking structure is easy for the spiders to crawl. Most suggest a simple hierarchy with links no more than three clicks away from your home/index page. Creating traffic modes or clusters of related links within a section on your site has proven very effective.” [Let Google’s Algorithm Show You The Traffic
Anchor text is important. The more specific is the reference, the better Google can evaluate it and consider it in relates search queries.
Google penalizes link farms. “Google is only concerned with pages of over 100 outgoing links. Google considers overly linked pages to be link farms, and they are penalized as such.” [Google FAQ]
Headers (h1, … ,h6), strong tags and semantic content are important. (Update: But it doesn’t improve PageRank.) “Place it in the description and meta tags, place it in bold/strong tags, but keep your content readable and useful. Be aware of the text surrounding your keywords, search engines will become more semantic in the coming years so context is important.” [Let Google’s Algorithm Show You The Traffic
“The anchor text of a link is often far more important than whether it’s on a high PageRank page.” [What Is Google PageRank?
“If you really want to know what are the most important, relevant pages to get links from, forget PageRank. Think search rank. Search for the words you’d like to rank for. See what pages come up tops in Google. Those are the most important and relevant pages you want to seek links from. That’s because Google is explicitly telling you that on the topic you searched for, these are the best.” [What Is Google PageRank?]

2.1. Google PageRank: Theory & Scientific Background

A Survey of Google’s PageRank
Calculation of Page Rank, Page Rank Implementation, Inbound Links, Outbound Links, Number of Pages, PageRank Distribution, Additional Factors and more.
The Lineal Algebra Behind Google
The $25,000,000,000 Eigenvector – The Linear Algebra Behind Google. Google’s success derives in large part from its PageRank algorithm, which ranks the importance of webpages according to an eigenvector of a weighted link matrix. Analysis of the PageRank formula provides a wonderful applied topic for a linear algebra course.
The Intelligent Surfer: Probabilistic Combination of Link and Content Information in PageRank
We propose to improve Page-Rank by using a more intelligent surfer, one that is guided by a probabilistic model of the relevance of a page to a query. Efficient execution of our algorithm at query time is made possible by precomputing at crawl time (and thus once for all queries) the necessary terms.
Topic-Sensitive PageRank
To yield more accurate search results, we propose computing a set of PageRank vectors, biased using a set of representative topics, to capture more accurately the notion of importance with respect to a particular topic. By using these (precomputed) biased PageRank vectors to generate query-specific importance scores for pages at query time, we show that we can generate more accurate rankings than with a single, generic PageRank vector.
Method for node ranking in a linked database
A method assigns importance ranks to nodes in a linked database, such as any database of documents containing citations, the world wide web or any other hypermedia database. The rank assigned to a document is calculated from the ranks of documents citing it. In addition, the rank of a document is calculated from a constant representing the probability that a browser through the database will randomly jump to the document. By Page and Lawrence.
How Google Finds Your Needle in the Web’s Haystack
Mathematical Background of Google PageRank. By David Austin, Grand Valley State University
A Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine
Original Slides, by Larry Page.
Wikipedia: PageRank
Mathematical Theory Behind Google PageRank

3.1. Google PageRank Tools & Services

PageRank Search
Showing search results in order of PageRank.
Google PageRank Inspector.
Google PageRank inspector is PHP scripts that can seek all of your website, include out linked page or not, and display Pagerank value for each of your website pages. New pages linked by high pagerank pages can be indexed in google quickly and have higher keyword rank in google search.
Google’s PageRank – Calculator
The results produced by the calculator indicate each page’s PageRank share and are not equivalent to the values in the Google toolbar.

Img-06 in Google PageRank: What Do We Know About It?

Webmastereyes, Visual PageRank View
The results will show the page given along with the PageRank of each link on that page. You also have the option to show “nofollow” and external links.
Smart PageRank
Checks PageRank from multiple datacenters and sends emails automatically if PageRank is updated.
Google PageRank Notifier
“This script will send you an email whenever the PageRank of the given page changes. PageRank is taken from the Google Toolbar “API” and is updated once an hour.”
Google PageRank™ Checker (registration required)
You can monitor site’s PageRank via RSS and you can also be notified via e-mail when the PageRank has been changed.

Img-04 in Google PageRank: What Do We Know About It?

Dig PageRank
Checks the current Page Rank of a page in over 100 Google data centers.
Live PageRank Check
The Live PageRank value may be used as an indicator of what will show when Google decides to export the PageRank values to the Google Toolbar. The Live PageRank calculator gives you the current PageRank value in the Google index, not just the snapshot that is displayed in the toolbar. Google updates its internal PageRank value continuously as the web changes and their index is updated. Only once every third month or so this value is exported to be displayed in the Google Toolbar.
Page Rank Widget for Mac OS X.
Llittle Widget finds the Google Page Rank for any URL by calculating the checksum and requesting the PR from Google’s servers.

Widget in Google PageRank: What Do We Know About It?

Google PageRank Prediction
The tool analyzes the popularity of a given web-site and tries to predict its future Google PageRank. More Page Rank Tools.
PageRank Checker
Shows PageRank of your backlinks.
PageRank Overlay (PR Mapper) (both currently offline)
Browse your competitors website and view the Google PR of all the links at once. Also available as Firefox Extension.
PageRank Decoder (Demo)
“This little tool is not too much different then a tool that tells you your PageRank, however it allows you to organize your sites (with PR information) in a visual network and then correspondingly connect them with arrows. You can move them around like cards, connect them or not, and even delete them by throwing them in a trash can.” [Search Engine Roundtable]

Img-05 in Google PageRank: What Do We Know About It?

Page Rank Export List History
This Page Rank Update/Export List History contains the dates that Google Toolbar Pagerank (PR) was exported.
Google Ranking Factors
Alleged positive and negative SEO Google Ranking Factors

3.2. Google Tools & Services

Google Quality Guidelines
These quality guidelines cover the most common forms of deceptive or manipulative behavior, but Google may respond negatively to other misleading practices not listed here (e.g. tricking users by registering misspellings of well-known websites).
Check if your site is in Google database
Reinclusion request form
Request reinclusion of a site that has violated the webmaster guidelines
Google Tools
A comprehensive overview on Dmoz.org.

>How To Protect Your Computer From Hackers

February 12, 2011 at 12:17 am | Posted in Article, computer and technology, Hacking | Leave a comment

>What is a Hacker?
A Hacker is a computer expert who spends their time trying to find ways to break into other computer systems and/or computer software. They also try to find ways to make software act in ways it was not meant to do. The Hackers motives are usually to see if they can get into the system or not. For the most part, these Hackers are only a minor nuisance and don’t cause too much trouble.

What is a Cracker?
A Cracker or Criminal Hacker is the same thing as a Hacker except that their motives are different than a Hackers motives. A Cracker breaks into a system or software for Criminal purposes. They may wish to steal something and / or they may wish to disrupt the system that they are in. Crackers are far worse than the regular Hacker.

Hackers and Crackers are a real problem in today’s high tech society. If you don’t take some steps to protect yourself from them, it will only be a matter of time until they cause you some trouble. Here are a few steps you can take to help protect you from Hackers and Crackers.

1. Firewall: If you are using DSL or Cable then a firewall is a must. With DSL and Cable, your internet is on all the time. The Hackers run programs looking for computers connected to the internet by their IP address. Once found the evil hackers then try to find a way to break into your system. One of the things that the Firewall does is to mask your computer so that the Hacker’s probe comes up negative. If you have Windows XP then you should activate the already included Firewall Program. If you don’t have Windows XP then you can use a program similar to Zone Alarm.

2. Anti Virus Software:

a. Regular Anti Virus – Make sure you get yourself a good general purpose anti virus software and set it to automatically run every week. Keep your virus definitions up to date so it can always catch the newest viruses.

b. Trojans: A Trojan virus is a program that installs other software on your system. They can also give the hacker other means to enter your system and do just about anything. Your general purpose aniti virus software will get some of these and some of them will need special anti Trojan software to get rid of them.

c. Spyware: This little buggers are really common and easy to get infected with. Spyware is software that gets installed onto your computer without your knowledge or consent. Some are used for tracking and some are used to influence search results or cause all sorts of popups. If you have a lot of spyware on your system, it will start to slow down. The thing about spyware is that your regular anti virus software will NOT get them. I use FOUR different spyware programs to get rid of them all. It seems that NO one spyware removal software can get them all.

3. Secure Passwords: Any passwords you need to use in relation to your System should be secure passwords. They should be at least eight to ten characters long with a combination letters and numbers with at least one special character. Don’t use your name, god, your children’s names or you pet’s name.

4. Careful with Emails: Many hackers send Virus’s and Spyware in email attachments. Never open an email attachment from a stranger. Never open an email attachment that is an executable program unless you really trust the source. Sometimes hackers will send virus’s through infected computers so you feel safe opening the attachment. Make sure you anti virus software also scans your incoming emails.

5. Latest Patches for Your Operating System: Keep your operating system updated with the latest patches. Hackers are always looking for ways to exploit main stream operating system software. As soon as the manufacturer finds out about it, they release a fix or patch. If you don’t update your system with these fixes, you could be vulnerable to hackers.

6. Keep away from Cracked Software: You should keep away from cracked software for more than just the criminal or moral reasons. Crackers or Criminal Hackers obviously can’t be trusted. They have been known to put Trojans and other malicious code into the cracked software. You think you are getting your software for free when you may be letting a hacker into your system. Be smart and pay for all your software.

7. Test Computers Security: I found a website that will test your computer security for FREE. It’s called Shields Up. It will test your internet connection, probe your ports and give you a report. It will give you an idea on how secure your connection is.

8. Backup Sensitive Material: Regular backups of sensitive or important material should be part of your routine. If you have files, documents or photos on your system that you can’t loose, then back them up. Save a copy to another computer or even better a CD / DVD.

By following some or all of the above steps, you can better protect yourself from Hackers and Crackers.

>The Top 10 Films On Computer Hacking

February 12, 2011 at 12:14 am | Posted in Article, computer and technology | Leave a comment

>Some of the most successful blockbuster films released in the last two decades have been themed on the potential destruction that computer hackers can cause. Here are some of Hollywoods top hacking themed movies.

A secretive renegade counter-terrorist co-opts the world’s greatest hacker to write a hacking worm that will gain access to US Government systems, allowing the hackers to steal $10 million to fund their secret organisation.

The Matrix
Computer programmer Thomas A Anderson leads a secret life as a hacker under the alias “Neo”, and wishes to understand the simulated reality that he lives in, known as ‘the matrix’.

Die Hard 4
A number of computer hackers including Matthew “Matt” Farrell, upload programmes they were paid to code to a woman named Mai. Soon, all of the unnamed hackers are killed by planted explosives. The next morning, Mai’s boss and lover, Thomas Gabriel, gives orders to initiate his plot to hack into the US governments systems.

James Bond teams up with the lone survivor of a destroyed Russian research centre to stop the hijacking of a nuclear space weapon by a fellow agent believed to be dead.

The Italian Job
In Venice, Italy retired safecracker John Bridger calls his daughter Stella Bridger and tells her that he is participating in what will be his final gold heist. John and his team five execute the heist perfectly, but one of the team members betrays them all by taking the gold for himself; he kills John Bridger and leaves the rest of the team for dead.

Enemy of the state
A lawyer becomes a target by a corrupt politician and his NSA goons when he accidentally receives key evidence to a serious politically motivated crime.

The film follows a young hacker who unwittingly hacks into WOPR, a United States military supercomputer programmed to predict possible outcomes of nuclear war. The Hacker gets WOPR to run a nuclear war simulation, originally believing it to be a computer game. The simulation causes a national nuclear missile scare and nearly starts World War III.

Martin Brice, a hacker, has kept to his assumed name of Martin Bishop after narrowly avoiding capture for hacking US government computers in 1969, a fate that his friend Cosmo didn’t escape.

FBI Cybercrime agent Jennifer Marsh is tasked with hunting down a seemingly untraceable serial killer who posts live videos of his victims on the internet. As time runs out, the cat and mouse chase becomes more personal, until she finally meets the killer.

The Net
A fellow analyst from Catheral Software, Dale, sends Angela Bennett a programme on a disk that when run displays a peculiar symbol (Ï€) in the lower-right corner. Dale instructs Angela to hold the CTRL and SHIFT buttons while clicking the Ï€ symbol, revealing that it gives the user entry point access to government and military computer systems. It is learned ‘they’ have recently implemented a newly developed piece of illegitimate ‘protection’ software called The GateKeeper System and this is what the film hinges upon.

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